Saturday, August 30, 2008

Shower Dance

Last night Mer and I went out with Naba and Pia. Pia is one of Albert’s business partners. She is Finnish and is married to Nepali Naba. A while back we had asked Naba if there were any gay bars or clubs in Kathmandu and he said that there was one called Via Via in touristy Thamel. With this plan in mind we went to a Korean restaurant first where we roasted our own meat (I ate none because I am easily vegetarian here – and in a healthy way). Anyhow, while we ate our Korean food, the mosquitoes feasted on us. I’ve been super nauseous lately, and Pia suggested some local rum to kill whatever is making me pukey. Amazingly, I have not been nauseous since. Go alcohol.

We then went to Via Via which was only gay because Meredith and I were there. I had a milkshake like the 10 year old I am and then I convinced Naba to find me a "shower dance". There are advertisements in Thamel for “shower dances” and usually they’re accompanied by a picture of Angelina Jolie or Jessica Simpson. Pia said there was not likely to be any dancing in any showers of water, but probably girls dancing with poles. Naba argued that shower dances did exist and finally we went to go see for ourselves.

The first place we went into had a woman dancing with a pole. One point for Pia. The second place we went into had this scene: A woman dancing. No pole. Two large trees with green flashing lights on it and in the middle of the trees: two shower heads. SHOWER DANCE WHAT WHAT. They heads weren’t on and no one was showering, but they existed. As we walked there seemed to be a bunch of people enjoying themselves, but then everyone stood up because they all worked there and we were customers. Immediately someone grabbed hold of my wrist and lead me to a seat close to the large trees. SHOWER DANCE WHAT WHAT. We ordered some beer and sat down to watch. After about five dances of the scantily clad (no nudity) women dancing awkwardly we began to wonder if they were going to turn on the shower heads. Naba argued with one of the waitresses and it was pretty clear there was going to be no shower and no dance in the shower. We watched some skinny guy get up and dance in front of a confused girl and left.

I don't think that story could have been more anti-climactic if I had tried.

Anyhow, we put some money down on an apartment today. Tomorrow we will go clean it with Shusila and then we will live there. Here's the man who helped us find it next to Meredith and Shusila.


erin said...

I just saw my first shower dance on The Block (one full block o'nudies and crack dens in downtown Baltimore) about a month ago. It was a full shower stall that lowered down from the ceiling and then it ceremoniously leaked all over the stage. And all the strippers looked at the owner with "Hell No" in their eyes. After I, too, refused repeatedly to go inside, it took them about 30 minutes to get the thing drained and plugged back up and raised again.

So if you're still looking to see one when you get back......

Served Cold said...

that is hilarious and i refuse to ever go into a place again that has a shower dance. they're all cursed or something.