It turned out that our neighbors/landlord downstairs were slaughtering their own goat for Dashain. They asked us if we wanted to watch the ceremony and sacrifice. Meredith said yes. So, around 11am they told us they were starting and despite all my thinkingthinkingthinking I still hadn't decided whether I would watch! We could see what was going on from our third floor balcony so Meredith positioned herself up there and so did I. The goat was tied up looking around and bleating and it was so sad to see him have no idea what was happening while they sharpened the knife and got the boiling water ready. But, I liked all the flowers and colored powders of the ceremony so I watched some of the preparations. But as they prepped the knife I decided that i would go to a place on my balcony where I couldn't see: but I could hear. I sat there for a while and suddenly it was like there was an earthquake and the whole world shook. So I didn't watch, I just felt it.
I decided to go look at the damage and there was a headless goat and lots of blood. This part wasn't too bad; I saw this scene at the local butchers. Then I watched them prepare the goat to eat by taking off the hair and cleaning it.
Later on we went to the main square to watch more sacrifices/ceremonies but there was nothing going on and we didn't care to search them out.
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