Monday, July 21, 2008

i don't want malaria

I've never gone somewhere you have to get so many immunizations and shots to make sure you don't die. I remember when my dad went to Africa he had to get a zillion shots, too. So a few weeks ago I had to get these shots (or make sure I already had them):

Hepatitus A
Hepatitus B

Below is a picture of my doctor getting all the medicines ready to stick them in my body:

He's a nice man, but anyone who comes at you with a needle that many times becomes something less than a friend. When he went to put the shots in my arm with the horse tattoo he said: "One in the butt and one in the head." Ha-ha, funny for you and not for me:


Gaelen said...

He he he... That's a funny doctor. I hope you don't get malaria!

Kyle said...

Holy craphole! You have a blog about this?! You rule!

Love and laughter,
